26:1 – Winter/Spring 2002

Leaders Without Enemies
Giandomenico Picco
The terrorist groups responsible for the September 11 attacks are not so unlike leaders facing the end of the Cold War: they could not exist without an enemy, says the UN director in charge of the Dialogue among Civilizations.

The Child’s Soldier: An Interview with UNICEF’s Executive Director
Carol Bellamy
The UNICEF executive director has gained a reputation as an untiring and vocal advocate for the world’s children. Now she weighs in on her agency’s work in Afghanistan, the U.S. relationship to the UN and a range of other topics.

Bombing bin Laden: Assessing the Effectiveness of Air Strikes as a Counter-Terrorism Strategy
Michele Malvesti
An evaluation of the United States’ three previous counter-terrorist military air strikes reveals a blunt, ineffective instrument that creates a cycle of vengeance with minimal gains.

Durban Debacle: An Insider’s View of the UN World Conference Against Racism
Tom Lantos
The United States should remember the lessons of the UN’s World Conference on Racism as it prosecutes the war on terrorism, says Congressman Tom Lantos, a member of the U.S. delegation at the conference.

The United States and Turkey: A Model of Sustained Engagement
W. Robert Pearson
The United States could have no better ally than Turkey in its war on terrorism, writes the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey. Facing a range of economic and political challenges, Turkey now needs the United States’ sustained engagement.

The United States and China in the Persian Gulf: Challenges and Opportunities
Toshi Yoshihara and Richard Sokolski
China’s growing interest in the Persian Gulf could put it on a collision course with the United States. The two countries can avoid conflict, however, if they take advantage of their many common interests in the region.

Applying the Geneva Conventions:Military Commissions, Armed Conflict, and Al-Qaeda
Alfred P. Rubin
President George W. Bush’s executive order allowing the establishment of military commissions to try foreigners for acts of terrorism has come under severe criticism. What many have failed to realize is that a simpler solution to the problem exists.

The Peacemaker: An Interview with the UN Under-Secretary-General
Alvaro de Soto
As under-secretary-general at the United Nations, Alvaro de Soto has seen conflict in a way that few others ever will. A top UN mediator presents his view of the world.

Building Mediative Capacity in Deep-Rooted Conflict
John Paul Lederach
The nature, purpose, and process of mediation must be reconsidered, writes Lederach, a leading theorist on mediation. Transforming relationships defined by cycles of violent conflict requires the careful nurturing of a “mediative capacity” across society.

Shared Public Space and Peacemaking: New Visions of Place in Israel and Palestine
Marc Gopin
Sacred space is one of the most powerful religious phenomena in the world. The success of any peace process in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will hinge on the parties’ ability to share it.

A New Deal on Disarmament: The Case for American Leadership in Combating Nuclear Proliferation
Stansfield Turner
President Jimmy Carter’s CIA director argues that until the world can find some way to bring about total nuclear disarmament, a new regime for managing the world’s nuclear weapons stocks represents the best compromise available.

Sound Vision, Unfinished Business: the Quadrennial Defense Review 2001 and the Bush Defense Strategy
Hans Binnendijk and Richard Kugler
Will the Bush administration’s defense strategy help America meet its challenges in the post-September 11 era? A review of The Quadrennial Defense Review Report 2001.

Lessons from the Internet Revolution: Where Emerging Markets Go from Here
Heather Killen
While technology firms in emerging markets may be suffering now, the long term poses huge opportunities, particularly for countries that are willing to establish the right kind of business environment. The former Yahoo! vice-president charts the way ahead.

Wind Power: Learning from Denmark
Svend Auken
Clear policy goals and government support have helped turn Denmark into the world leader in the use of wind power, writes the former Danish Minister for Environment.

“The Man Who Overthrew Milosevic:” Vojislav Kostunica, One Year Later
Audrey Budding
Is the successor to Slobodan Milosevic in Yugoslavia a transitional figure, like the Soviet Union’s Mikhail Gorbachev? The evidence says he is not: President Voislav Kostunica will remain an important bridge between traditionalists and reformers in the country for a long time to come.

Book Reviews
Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy
by Paul Pillar

Global Governance and the New Wars: The Merging of Development and Security
by Mark Duffield

The United States and Pakistan 1947-2000: Disenchanted Allies
by Ambassador Dennis Kux

26:2 – Summer/Fall 2002

25:2 – Summer 2001