Submission Guidelines

Do you want The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs to consider your original manuscript for publication? Use the form below to easily submit your manuscript, author information, and more details directly to the editorial team! Contact for any questions or concerns.

  • All submissions should be made through the online submission form. Articles submitted by other means may be subject to further review and may be considered incomplete.

    All submissions must be original, unpublished work. If accepted for The Fletcher Forum, authors must withdraw their articles for consideration from all other platforms.

    Submissions for the print edition are accepted biannually on a rolling basis for both the winter and summer editions. The Fletcher Forum will accept submissions until the specified deadlines or until we have reached the maximum number of articles for each edition. Submissions for The Fletcher Forum online are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. 

    Citations for print articles should be included as endnotes, in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). Citations for web articles should be included as hyperlinks. It is the primary responsibility of the author(s) ensure the accuracy and accessibility of their citations, although editorial staff will provide supplemental support.

    Submissions that neglect these guidelines will require undue editorial attention and will likely be returned to authors for revision. 

    Feature Length (Print)

    In-depth articles for the print edition offer research and critical analysis of topics in international affairs. Feature articles range in length from 2,000 to 4,000 words. For the purposes of submission, unsolicited articles should be summarized in an abstract of no more than 150 words.

    Feature Length (Web)

    Articles for online publication should be between 800 and 1,500 words and present a coherent argument or critical analysis of topics in international affairs. We prioritize pieces with a policy focus and concrete recommendations, as well as pieces that provide an outside-the-box approach to the topic.

    Perspectives (Print)

    “Perspectives” articles for the print journal use concrete examples and practitioner expertise to offer reflections, opinions, and recommendations about contemporary issues in international affairs. “Perspectives” articles range in length from 1,200 to 3,000 words, and citations are typically not necessary. Pieces that do not suit the theme of the print edition may be considered for online-only publication.

    Book Reviews (Print and Web)

    Book reviews offer informed critiques of recently released books that deal with international affairs. Book reviews are not more than 1,800 words in length.

    Interviews (Print and Web)

    The Fletcher Forum publishes conversations with scholars, practitioners, and experts on a variety of international topics. Interview transcripts range in length from 1,200 to 3,000 words. The individual submitting the interview for publication must have conducted the actual interview.

    Letters to the Editor (Print and Web)

    Letters for publication should be no longer than 550 words, must refer to the article and volume in question, and must include the author’s contact information. Editors reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.

    Satire (Web)

    The Fletcher Forum publishes satirical essays that offer insightful, sharp analysis. The article’s content should be easily recognized as satire and should be fewer than 1,200 words.

    Graduate Student Submissions (Web)

    The Fletcher Forum welcomes student submissions for publication on our student blog, The Rostrum. Students from undergraduate and graduate programs around the world are encouraged to submit.


    Photographs, maps, and other graphics accompanying an article must be submitted as TIFF, JPEG, or PNG files, at a minimum of 300 dpi at 100 percent. Image files must be sent separately rather than embedded in the text. You must have permission to reproduce any graphics on The Forum's print and/or web platforms. Licensing information, as applicable, must be included.

  • The Fletcher Forum’s editor-in-chief and managing editors review all submissions. Articles are judged on the basis of relevance, originality, prose, and persuasion. The editor-in-chief, in consultation with the editorial board, holds final authority for accepting or refusing individual articles for publication. 

    Throughout the editorial and design processes, editors reserve the right to make changes in accordance with the journal’s style specifications, editorial standards, and editorial ethics. The editorial board assumes no obligation regarding publication. 

    Once accepted to the editorial process, authors are prohibited from submitting their article to other publications. In the event that either the author or The Fletcher Forum’s editorial team terminates the editorial process, the author is prohibited from using any of The Fletcher Forum’s comments, ideas, edits, or other intellectual guidance for their article.

  • Copyright of published articles in the print edition remains with The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, and no article in its entirety or a part thereof may be published in any form without written permission. The Fletcher Forum maintains no such copyright on web articles, though we request that authors do not reproduce articles written for The Fletcher Forum on other platforms. Where applicable, we encourage authors to direct readers to The Fletcher Forum's website.