25:2 – Summer 2001

Containing Climate Change: A Global Challenge
Kofi Annan
The U.N. Secretary-General, in a commencement address at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, urges all nations, and particularly the U.S., to find international solutions to the global warming crisis.

Good Governance Against Corruption
Fidel V. Ramos
Former Philippines president Ramos delivered the keynote address at a conference on corruption and good governance held at The Fletcher School in April 2001.

The Future of Islam
John L. Esposito
Esposito challenges traditional Western assumptions about the role of Islam as a religion, political force, and social guide m the twenty-first century.

War in West Africa
Stephen Ellis
Ellis examines the current wars and potential for further conflict in West Africa, and urges regional and western nations to develop coherent and forceful policies to prevent further escalation of the crisis.

War and Peace in Sierra Leone
Paul Richards
Richards challenges standard interpretations of the war in Sierra Leone, arguing that the international community has ignored the cause at the heart of the conflict: the failure to provide basic education to rural children.

Democratization in Africa: Double Standards in Benin and Togo
Mathurin Houngnikpo
The author takes a critical look at France’s differing approach to the promotion of democracy in two of its former African colomes, Togo and Benin.

The Future of the European Union
Gunter Burghardt
The EU’s ambassador to the United States reflects on the changing nature of the transatlantic partnership.

The European Commission’s Position on GMOs: Will Consumers be Convinced?
Margot Wallstrom
The European Commissioner for the Environment, Margot Wallstrom, describes the EC’s efforts to regulate genetically modified organisms, emphasizing the need to involve all stakeholders in the current debate.

Military Aspects of the European Security and Defense Policy
Claus Christian Anhfeldt-Mollerup
Mollerup argues that the EU cannot be a military match to the United States in the foreseeable future despite Europe’s recent attempts to improve and fortify its Security and Defense Policy. He concludes that the Europeans’ ambitious military agenda is more of a distant ambition than a tangible reality.

The Case for Scottish Independence
Fergus Ewing and Jennifer Erickson
Ewing and Erickson trace the history of Scottish union and devolution from Great Britain, and explain the Scottish National Party’s commitment to securing an independent Scotland.

The Future of Peace Efforts
Elisabeth Rehn
Based on her experience as U.N. Special Representative and Special Rapporteur in the Balkans, Rehn outlines four policies that could make the peace effort of the international community more effective.

Making Multilateral Interventions Work: The U.N. and the Creation of Transitional Justice Systems in Kosovo and East Timor
Hansjorg Strohmeyer
Strohmeyer, a key U.N. legal advisor to missions in Kosovo and East Timor, reflects on the challenges of creating working justice systems in transitionalnations.

Military Mergers: The Reintegration of Armed Forces After Civil Wars
Anja Miller
Miller argues that the success of any peace process hinges upon the ability of the formerly warring parties to reintegrate their armed forces. The paper analyzes six military mergers and suggests guidelines for successful reintegrations.

The Falklands/Malvinas: A New Framework for Dealing with the Anglo-Argentine Sovereignty Dispute
Roberto Laver
Laver details the history and negotiating positions of the parties to the Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty dispute since 1982, and proposes a new framework for moving towards resolution of the conflict.

Technology and Military Power
William C. Martel
Martel examines the critical defense technologies that the U.S. military has invested m for the twenty-first century, and how these will shape U.S. military hegemony in the future.

The Final Word on Depleted Uranium
Dan Fahey
Fahey examines the controversy over depleted uranium ammunitions, finding that both sides in the debate have overstated their positions and poorly servedthe ends of scientific truth and human health and safety.

A Faustain Bargain? Nuclear Weapons, Negative Security Assurances, and Belligerent Reprisal
Paula B. McCarron and Cynthia A. Holt
McCarron and Holt analyze the legality of the use of nuclear weapons by exploring specific and general treaty prohibitions and customary international law.

Primum Non Nocere: Implications for the Globalization of Biomedical Research Trials
Robert Mittendorff II
Mittendorff examines the ethical issues raised by international medical trials on humans. The article describes the measures currently used to regulate these trials, and suggests solutions to ensure that ethical standards are maintained in a globalized environment.

Understanding Colombia
William D. Shingleton
Shingleton warns that the military component of Plan Colombia will not be enough to stop the violence that plagues the Andean nation.

Book Reviews
Religion, Violence, and Self-Respect
Peter Uvin reviews two books, by Gopin and Juergensmeyer, on the modern relationship between religion and violence.

U.S.-Korean Complexities
Reviewed by Victor Fic
Fic reviews a memoir written by Gleysteen, who was U.S. ambassador to South Korea during the tension-filled Carter and Reagan years.

26:1 – Winter/Spring 2002

25:1 – Winter 2001