19:1 – Winter/Spring 1995


Hurst Hannum

A “Nutshell” Approach to the U.N. Human Rights Law Protecting Minorities
Frank C. Newman

States, Nations, and Resources: An Interdependent Relationship?
Jason W. Clay

Safeguards for Minorities Versus Sovereignty of Nations
Sugata Bose

South Africa: Minority Conflict and the Legacy of Minority Rule
Bronwen Manby

National Minorities: A Global, European, and Swiss Perspective
Daniel G. Thurer

Chiapas: The First Post-Modern Revolution
Ana Carrigan

An Interview with Lani Guinier


Public Perceptions of U.N. Peacekeeping
Ingrid A. Lehmann

Technology and Advances in Foreign Military Capabilities
John E. Peters

Integrating the U.S. Industrial Base
Gregory D. Foster

The $10 Billion Question: AIPAC and Loan Guarantees to Israel
Gregory D. Foster

Book Reviews

Review Essay: Looking Out From the Inside

The Kirkpatrick Mission: Diplomacy Without Apology: America at the United Nations 1981-1985
by Allan Gerson

Strategic Non-Violent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the Twentieth Century
by Peter Ackerman and Christopher Kruegler

Economic Transformation the Mexican Way
by Pedro Aspe

Paper Tigers and Minotaurs: The Politics of Venezuela’s Economic Reforms
by Moises Naim

We Were Soldiers Once… and Young
by Lieutenant General Harold G. Moore, USA (retired) and Joseph L. Galloway

Looking At the Sun: The Rise of the New East Asian Economic and Political System
by James Fallows

Environmental Diplomacy: Negotiating More Effective Global Agreements
by Lawrence E. Susskind

19:2 – Summer/Fall 1995

18:2 – Summer/Fall 1994