An Interview with Telford Taylor
Linda Maguire
The War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: Problems and Prospects
Jeri Laber & Ivana Nizich
Forgetting “The Policies and Practices of the Past”: Impunity in Cambodia
Stephen P. Marks
War Crimes: The Case of Iraq
James S. Robbins
U.S. Tort Suits by Aliens Based on International Law
Alfred P. Rubin
Obstacles to the Creation of a Permanent War Crimes Tribunal
Christopher L. Blakesley
Is a Permanent Nuremberg on the Horizon?
Robert F Drinan, S.j.
American Television and Cinema in France and Europe
Diana Quintero
Heavenly Junk
Ambassador Edward R. Finch, Jr.
Restructuring the United States’ Export Control Legislation for the Post-Cold War Era
Shahid Alam
Kennan at 90: Still in Search of Mr. X
David Grann
Review Essay: Riding Out the Storm?
Andrew C. Hess
The Gulf Crisis: An Attempt to Understand
Ghazi A. Algosaibi
The Gulf Crisis and Its Global Aftermath
Gad Barzilai, Aharon Klieman and Gil Shidlo, Editors
The Middle East After Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait
Robert O. Freedman, Editor
Technology Policy and America’s Future
Steven M. Irwin
Empowering Technology: Implementing a U.S. Strategy
Lewis Branscomb, Editor
Collision: GM, Toyota, Volkswagen and the Race to Own the 21st Century
Maryann Keller
The Troubled Birth of Russian Democracy: Parties, Personalities, and Programs
Michael McFaul and Sergei Markov, Editors
Survival in Russia: Chaos and Hope in Everyday Life
Lois Fisher
Cutting the Red Tape: How Western Companies Can Profit in the New Russia
Mark Tourevski and Eileen Morgan
Theory of Culture
Richard Munch and Neil J. Smelser, Editors
The Logic of Accidental Nuclear War
Bruce G. Blair
The International Politics of the Environment: Actors, Interests, and Institutions
Andrew Hurrel and Benedict Kingsbury, Editors
Belarus: At a Crossroads in History
Jan Zaprudnik