12:2 – Summer 1988

Gorbachev and Perestroika
Marshall I. Goldman

Liberalization in China: Can Economics be the Engine of Political Change?
Lucian W. Pye

Soviet “New Thinking” on the World and Foreign Policy
Raymond L. Garthoff

An Interview with John Kenneth Galbraith
Joan Da Ponte and David P. Saybolt

Vietnam: The Winds of Liberalization
Douglas Pike

Gorbachev, Glasnost and Eastern Europe
Sarah Teny

Gorbachev and the West
Michel Tatu

Glasnost: Its Multiple Roles in Gorbachev’s Reform Strategy
Gail W. Lapidus

Closing the Identity Gap: The Search For German Unity
Michael M. Daumer

Inter-American Relations in the Reagan Era
Hans Neumann

Switzerland Rejects the United Nations
C. L. Robertson
On March 16, 1986, the Swiss government held a national referendum to decide whether it should apply for membership to the United Nations. The membership proposal was defeated by a margin of three to one. In this paper, C. L. Robertson examines the reasons for the outcome of the referendum. He argues that the decision was a product of the electorate’s poor opinion of the UN as well as its perception that membership would deprive Switzerland of its neutral status.

The Spain-NATO-United States Triangle: Who Controls the Negotiations?
Robert EFord
Spain’s role in NATO historically has been both ambiguous and heavily influenced by Spain’s relations with the United States. Mutual defense agreements with the United States, multilateral negotiations with NATO and dramatic political changes in Spain have evolved along parallel tracks since the late 1940s. A triangular relationship has emerged recently, with each “leg” of the negotiations depending on the events in the others. Robert E. Ford analyzes how Spain-United States bilateral relations shape Spain’s involvement with NATO.

The Israeli Defense Industry: Limits to Growth
Blair L. LaBarge
Two conflicting forces are shaping Israel’s system of defense. On one side sits the defense industry coalition whose main interest is the development of high-powered weapons. It is opposed by a more conservative sector, concerned with confining the industry to its original mission of enhancing national defense to the extent the country can afford. Blair L. LaBarge examines some of the factors that have contributed to the phenomenal growth of the Israeli defense industry, its impact on the international arms market, and some recently imposed limits to its growth, exemplified by the case of the Lavi fighter.

Book Reviews

The Political Economy of International Relations
by Robert Gilpin

The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers
by Paul Kennedy

Beyond American Hegemony: The Future of the Western Alliance
by David P. Calleo

China’s Second Revolution: Reform After Mao
by Harry Harding

Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis
by Raymond L. Garthoff

The Two Germanies Since 1945
by Henry Ashby Turner, Jr.

The Sixth Continent: Mikhail Gorbachov and the Soviet Union
by Mark Frankland

Covert Action: The Limits of Intervention in the Postwar World
by Gregory F. Treverton

A Life in Peace and War
by Brian Urquhart

The Long Peace: Inquiries into the History of the Cold War
by John Lewis Gaddis

China’s War with Vietnam, 1979: Issues, Decisions and Implications
by King C. Chen

The PLO Under Arafat
by Shaul Mishal

The Japanese Today: Change and Continuity
by Edwin O. Reischauer

Revolutionary Iran: Challenge and Response in the Middle East
by R. K. Ramazani

The Future for Ocean Technology
by Glyn Ford, Chris Niblett, and Lindsay Walker

13:1 – Winter 1989

12:1 – Winter 1988