12:1 – Winter 1988


The Two U.S.-Japan Relationships: Public and Private Sector Responses to the New Global Economy
William Tanaka

American Politics and the Trans-Pacific Economy
Kent Calder

U.S.-Japan Tensions in a Charged Economic Environment
Marcy Kaptur

U.S.-Japan Security Relations: A Maturing Partnership?
Gregg A. Rubinstein

Japan’s Counterproductive Reaction to the Toshiba Affair
Yoshio Murakami

Reassessing U.S.-Japan Relations
Edward J. Lincoln

An Interview with Stephen J. Solarz

A Debtor’s Dilemmas: An Interview with Peruvian Finance Minister Gustavo Saberbein

President Reagan’s Policy Toward El Salvador: Success or Failure?
Michael A. Hammer
In 1981, the Reagan administration took office pledging to restore America’s global influence, especially in Latin America, where administration officials blamed former President Carter’s policies for leading to the near-victory of a Marxist-Leninist insurgency in El Salvador. Michael A. Hammer, in a series of interviews with key American and Salvadoran officials, details how circumstances forced the Reagan administration’s policies to change, and even to resemble those of his predecessor. In protracted warfare, Hammer argues, executive policy must reflect congressional consensus or lose funding. In El Salvador the result has been an American foreign policy that seeks to promote progressive change rather than reinforce the reactionary status quo.

Chinese Military Modernization and the Open Door Policy
Sam B. Rovit
When China began to open its doors to the West, party leaders gave top priority to economic development, deemphasizing the role of the military. Deng Xiaoping himself stated that the international situation made it possible for China to spend less on defense and more on economic construction. But the military has not been entirely neglected in the pursuit of these new policies. Sam Rovit focuses on what the Open Door has meant for the Chinese military – and concludes that its gains from Westernization have been substantial.

Capital Market Innovations: A Way to Increase Developing Country Issues
Scott Shane
The international bond markets have failed to realize their potential as a source of development financing. Legal restrictions imposed by the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have combined with structural and financial constraints faced by the developing countries to inhibit the issuing of bonds. Investors in developed countries have been discouraged from buying these bonds for the same reasons. In this article, Scott Shane examines a number of capital market innovations that can help overcome these hurdles.

Daggers in the Air: Anti-Satellite Weapons and International Law
Andrew D. Burton
Space law is rapidly becoming one of the most important areas in the development of public international law. Arms control issues, the Strategic Defense Initiative and recent developments in military satellite technology make space law particularly relevant to international security issues today. In this paper, Andrew Burton analyzes the relationship between space law and anti-satellite weapons. He places his discussion within the broader context of arms control negotiations and makes several observations about the future of space weapons and law.

Book Reviews

The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA from Wild Bill Donovan
by John Ranelagh

The CIA: A Forgotten History by William Blum Presidents’ Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations Since World War II
by John Prados

Veil. The Secret Wars of the CIA
by Bob Woodward       

Superpower Arms Control: Setting the Record Straight
edited by Albert Carnesale and Richard N. Haass

Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace
by Edward N. Luttwak

Nuclear Crisis Management
by Richard Ned Lebow

Containing the Soviet Union: A Critique of U.S. Policy

The Soviet Union Under Gorbachev: Prospects for Reform
edited by David A. Dyker     

China Watch
edited by John King Fairbank

The Chinese Army After Mao
by Ellis Joffe

Neoconservative Economics in the Southern Cone of Latin America, 1973-1983
by Joseph Ramos

Latin American Debt and the Adjustment Crisis
edited by Rosemary Thorp and Laurence Whitehead

European Technological Collaboration
by Margaret Sharp and Claire Shearman

The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism
by Frederick C. Deyo

Trade Wars: The Theory and Practice of International Commercial Rivalry
by John A. C. Conybeare

12:2 – Summer 1988

11:2 – Summer 1987