Intelligence and Arms Control: Process and Priorities
C. Kenneth Allard
Although the SALT II Treaty has been placed in limbo, the issues of intelligence monitoring and verification raised during the debate over the treaty are still of transcendent importance to the foreign policy of the new administration and their future strategic arms talks with the Soviets. In this article, Captain Allard examines those issues and discusses their implications for the general relationship of intelligence to policy-making.
High-Technology Electronics Trade and the U.S.-Japan Relationship
Kent E. Calder
In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the spice trade brought the Orient and the Occident together in a relationship which has served as the foundation of modern international trade. Today, that relationship is colored by a new commodity which is equally important to its traders: high-technology electronics. In this article, Dr. Calder focuses on the increasingly important role of high technology trade in the potentially volatile U.S. -Japanese trade relationship. He explores the forces generating tension in the relationship and examines the impact of the clash between government policy and corporate planning in both countries.
Soviet International Legal Theory – Past and Present
Zofia Madure
In this paper Zofia Maclure looks at the historical development of the Soviet theory of international law from the revolutionary period to the present. She concentrates on the major figures in Soviet Jurisprudence and their attempts to maintain the Marxist doctrine while at the same time incorporating changes in the Kremlin’s policy. It is shown that while the positivist surface of the developing theory is scientific, the underpinning norms fail to escape the scope of natural law.
Anatomy of Failure: Japan-U.S.S.R. Negotiations on Siberian Oil Development
Wythe E. Braden
The failure of the Japanese-U.S.S.R. Siberian Oil negotiations has yet to reach its fatal nadir as the irony of Japanese-Soviet geographical proximity has not been universally realized. Wythe Braden attempts to bring the reader closer to this paradox through his study of the Japanese press, government and business community during the course of the negotiations. His conclusions show that the objective elements of the negotiations themselves were so tragically flawed that the outcome could not be anything but fruitless.
Space Politics in Historical and Futuristic Perspective
Alan K. Henrikson
Geopolitics, Remote Frontiers and Outer Space
Geoffrey Kemp
The Panama Canal: Potential Problems in the Years Ahead
Stephen Erickson
The Myth of the “Laager”: Using U.S. Business to Pressure South Africa
Jeffrey H. Bunzel
Land Rights Controversy: The Case of the Australian Aborigines
Robert Kaye
Redress for Violations of International Law in Federal Courts
C. Robert Barker
Military Power: A Strategic View
Paul H. Nitze
During a visit to the Fletcher School, Paul H. Nitze addressed a Politics seminar on the problem of “Military Power and Political Influence.” What follows are Mr. Nitze’s remarks and his subsequent discussion with the students in that seminar. He emphasizes, like Karl von Clausewitz, that students should take “a strategic view” of international security which attempts to incorporate all the elements of international relations into a comprehensive problem-solving matrix.
A Perspective on Vietnam: Doan Van Toai
As a student revolutionary leader in Vietnam, Doan Van Toai helped to topple the Thieu regime and set up the Communist government. However, he quickly became disillusioned with that cause and eventually was arrested in 1975 for refusing to serve on a government finance committee. Since his release from prison in 1978 Doan Van Toai has written extensively on human rights violations in Vietnam. As a Research Fellow at the Fletcher School, he is presently completing another book entitled, Vietnam: Neither Peace nor Honor. The following interview conducted by Barbara Blodi, a MALD degree candidate at the Fletcher School, touches on themes from his last work, and probes into the Vietnamese perception of the fraternal rivalry between western and eastern political ideology.
National Security in the 1980s: From Weakness to Strength
W. Scott Thompson
Arabia, The Gulf and The West: A Critical View of Arabs and Their Oil Policy
John B. Kelly
Internationalization to Prevent the Spread of Nuclear Weapons
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
States and Social Revolutions
Theda Skocpol
The Future of United States Naval Power
James A. Nathan and James K. Oliver
The Irrelevance of SALT II
Francis A. Boyle