32:2 – Summer 2008

Islamism in West Africa: Internal Dynamics and U.S. Responses
William F. S. Miles
West Africa’s religious and demographic diversity poses significant challenges to any single, coherent counterterrorism policy. In a region where Islamism is manifest in many forms, close attention must be paid to the internal dynamics of political Islam in order to prevent counterterrorist strategies from stoking the very agitation they are meant to preclude.

Life on the High(er) Seas: Adapting to Climate Change in the Maldives
Abdulla Shahid
Climate change presents an especially grave existential threat for citizens of the Republic of Maldives. The Forum spoke with Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid about the human dimension of the crisis, responses such as the Safer Island Strategy, and the need for international collaboration regarding this global challenge.

U.S. Policy Toward Iran: Missed Opportunities and Paths Forward
Suzanne Maloney
The incoming U.S. presidential administration should perceive Iran not only as a legitimate threat to American interests but also as an opportunity for creative statesmanship. A clear understanding of the factors and assumptions that have limited diplomatic efforts to date will enable smarter policy and proposals for a new way forward with Iran.

U.S. Smart Power in Latin America
James G. Stavridis
The U.S. Navy faces changing military needs, new tactics in warfare, and shifting relationships between the United States and other countries. The Forumspoke with Admiral James G. Stavridis about humanitarian service groups, U.S. military efforts in Latin America, and qualities for leadership in the coming century.

International Sport as a Vehicle for Peace
Daniel E. Doyle, Jr.
From Belfast to Beijing, the relationships formed through sports and athletic competition can bear the fruit of mutual understanding. Young athletes learn integrity, responsibility, and cross-cultural awareness-skills necessary for future leaders brokering peace.

Madison and the Smart Mob: The Promise and Limitations of the Internet for Democracy
Robert Faris and Bruce Etling
“Color revolutions” in countries as disparate as Burma and the Ukraine demonstrate the potential of the Internet and text messaging for disseminating democratic ideals. These new technologies have no doubt revolutionized peer-to-peer relationships, but they remain limited in improving processes among government institutions.

Forward-Looking Leadership: A Syrian Perspective
Hind Kabawat
Syria is strategically positioned to play a constructive role in addressing the political crises and conflicts that plague its neighbors. The Forum spoke with peace activist Hind Kabawat about avenues for closing the leadership gap in the region and prescriptions for peace that should be reinforced by the incoming U.S. presidential administration.

Dumbwaiters and Greased Pigs: Globalization, International Security, and Philanthropy’s Enduring Challenge
Stephen J. Del Rosso
The realities of globalization are more complex than estimated by foundations dedicated to enhancing global peace and security. Comparing philanthropic priorities and impacts in the Cold War and post-9/11 worlds sheds light on the challenge of developing more nuanced frameworks for grant-making institutions.

Fighting Health Pandemics and Governance Failures: A View from Geneva
Kingsley Moghalu
Health pandemics continue to be one of the most pressing international issues requiring attention from a range of sectors and actors. The Forum spoke with Kingsley Moghalu of the World Health Organization about global partnerships, United Nations reform, and pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.

Reconciliation in Sierra Leone: Local Processes Yield Global Lessons
Elisabeth Hoffman
Six years after the civil war in Sierra Leone, civilians still grapple with the consequences of atrocities committed by their neighbors. International peace-building efforts often neglect the grassroots level, but adopting traditional village practices of forgiveness and reconciliation has proven potential to heal fractured societal ties.

The Constitution and U.S. Foreign Policy: The President, the Congress, and the People
David L. Larson
The Iraq War has tested the balance of power among the U.S. President, Congress, and the American public in determining foreign policy. Although the executive branch has gained power in making short-term decisions, the American people have ultimately retained their influence over long-term policy.

The Arts in Global Society
Joseph W. Polisi
In the wake of the historic visit by the New York Philharmonic to North Korea and the opening of Chinas borders to arts organizations in preparation for the Beijing Olympics, the arts are increasing seen as a form of public diplomacy. The Forum spoke with Joseph W. Polisi, President of The Juilliard School, about the value of the arts in the United States and the social responsibility of the artist as citizen.

Book Reviews
A Legal Geography of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration
by Ana S. Trbovich

State Collapse in South-Eastern Europe: New Perspectives on Yugoslavia’s Disintegration
edited by Leonard J. Cohen and Jasna Dragovic-Soso

Chinese Naval Strategy in the 21st Century: The Turn to Mahan
by James R. Holmes and Toshi Yoshihar

32:3 – Special Edition 2008

32:1 – Winter 2008