29:3 – Special Edition 2005

“Preemptive Use of Force: A Reassessment”

Papers and Presentations from a Special Conference Held at the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy on September 30., 2004.

Preemption as an Element of President Bush’s Larger National Security Strategy

Since the publication of the Bush Administration’s National Security Strategy Statement in September 2002, few issues have dominated the foreign policy agenda like the subject of preemptive use of force. The purpose of the conference was to bring together leading thinkers to share their timeless ideas on the legal, strategic, diplomatic and military issues raised by the policy.

Introductory Remarks
Michael J. Glennon, The Fletcher School

Keynote Address
John R. Bolton, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, U.S. Department of State

Panel 1: The Legal Framework
Michael J. Glennon, The Fletcher School, moderator
Gilles Andreani, Director of Policy Planning, French Foreign Ministry
Jack Goldsmith, Harvard University Law School
Sean Murphy, George Washington University Law School

Panel 2: The Strategic Environment
Dean Stephen W. Bosworth, The Fletcher School, moderator
Ivo Daalder, The Brookings Institution
Lt. Gen. Bernard E. Trainor, (USMCret.), Council on Foreign Relations
Stephen Walt, The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Luncheon Remarks
Rudolf Scharping, Visiting Professor at The Fletcher School, and former German Defense Minister and member of Bundestag

Panel 3: Politics and Diplomacy
Alan Henrikson, The Fletcher School, moderator
Hans Binnendijk, Center for Technology and National Security Policy, NDU
Antonia Chayes, The Fletcher School
Robert Litwak, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Panel 4: The Military and Operational Aspects of Preemption
Stephen Flanagan, Institute for National Strategic Studies, NDU, moderator
Elaine Bunn, Institute for National Strategic Studies, NDU
Ashton Carter, The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Col. Charles Lutes, Institute for National Strategic Studies, NDU

30:1 – Winter 2006

29:2 – Summer 2005