29:1 – Winter 2005

Interview with Dr. Ashton Carter

Banks, Distressed Loans, and the Development of Chinese Markets for Asset-Backed Securities
Patrick J. Schena

A Latin American Opportunity in World Energy Woes
Thomas F. McLarty, III, and Richard Klein

Post-Conflict Intervention Revisited: Relief, Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, and Reform
William B. Wood

Aiding the Rule of Law Abroad: The Kyrgyz Republic as a Case Study
Brian Gill

Rites and Rights in Afghanistan: The Hazara and the 2004 Constitution
Justin Desautels-Stein

Defending Microfinance
Isobel Coleman

Diplomacy: The Future
Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering
This piece has been adapted from an address that Ambassador Pickering delivered at the September 92004 Convocation of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Convocation traditionally marks the official start to the academic year; this time, it also celebrated the 50th reunion of the Class of 1954.

29:2 – Summer 2005

28:2 – Summer 2004