28:1 – Winter 2004

In Their Own Words: The 2004 U.S. Presidential Candidates on Foreign Policy
Candidates Clark, Dean, Edwards, Gephardt, Kerry, Lieberman, Moseley Braun, and Sharpton answer two questions posed by The Forum. Introduced in a foreword by Professor Maxine Isaacs.

In-depth Interview with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Mohamed ElBaradei
The Forum sits down with Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei and discusses the effectiveness of international weapons inspections, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and the future of the nuclear nonproliferation regime.

Confronting the Biological and Chemical Weapons Challenge: The Need for an “Intellectual Infrastructure”
Michael Moodie
Michael Moodie reflects on the international security challenges presented by biological and chemical weapons and suggests changes in the international arms control framework to account for these unconventional weapons.

A Draft Convention to Prohibit Biological and Chemical Weapons under International Criminal Law
Matthew Meselson and Julian Robinson
The Harvard Sussex Program showcases an innovative approach to the nonproliferation of biological and chemical weapons involving a reshaping of what should constitute an international crime.

Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Future of Nonproliferation
James R. Holmes and Janne E. Nolan
Dr. James Holmes and Dr. Janne Nolan examine two cases to determine whether the example of counterproliferation as witnessed in Iraq will trump that of nonproliferation in U.S. foreign policy under the Bush administration.

The State of Jemaah Islamiya
Zachary Abuza
Dr. Zachary Abuza evaluates Jemaah Islamiya’s capacity to conduct terrorist attacks in Southeast Asia, despite the many arrests following the Bali bombings. In this article, Abuza identifies 12 threats that he believes the organization continues to pose to the region.

Asia and the United States after 9/11: Primacy and Partnership in the Pacific
Simon S. C. Tay
Simon Tay analyzes how U.S. policy on counterterrorism and the war in Iraq have influenced U.S.-Asian relations as well as how individual Asian nations are reacting to increased regional terrorist threats.

U.S. National Security Policy Post-9/11: Perils and Prospects
Susan E. Rice
How has the Bush administration fared in its foreign policy since September 11, 2001? Dr. Susan Rice evaluates the current U.S. national security policy and suggests strategies for improving the leadership role of the United States, combating terrorism, and working to resolve the Middle East peace process.

The Global Challenges in the Middle East Region: An Egyptian Perspective
Nabil Fahmy
H.E. Ambassador Nabil Fahmy, Egyptian Ambassador to the United States, on terrorism, conflict, and development in the Middle East.

Creating International Consensus on Combating Trafficking in Persons as a Human Rights Violation: U.S. Policy, the Role of the UN, and Global Responses and Challenges
Linda Smith and Mohamed Mattar
Former Congresswoman Linda Smith and Dr. Mohamed Mattar describe the scope of human trafficking, and describe the U.S. and global efforts necessary to restore human rights protections to trafficking’s victims.

The Kosovo Crisis: Humanitarian Imperative versus International Law
Emily Schroeder
Emily Schroeder evaluates the legal and political implications of NATO’s 1999 bombing of Kosovo, drawing lessons for Iraq and beyond.

Turkey’s Energy and Foreign Policy
Selma Stern
Selma Stern provides an evaluation of Turkey’s energy policy, its relations to its neighbors, and its geostrategic importance as both an energy hub and a regional ally.

28:2 – Summer 2004

27:2 – Summer/Fall 2003