27:1 – Winter/Spring 2003

Letter to the Editor
Michael H. Posner and Wade Henderson
A Response to Tom Lantos’ “The Durban Debacle”

September 11, 2002: Understanding and Defeating Terrorism, One Year Later
Shashi Tharoor
To tackle the problem of terrorism, the international community requires greater cooperation, an understanding of global inequalities, and a three-pronged strategy, says the UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Shashi Tharoor in a speech commemorating the one-year anniversary of 9/11.

Is There Life After Saddam? An Interview with the Iraqi National Congress Chairman
Ahmad Chalabi
A potential leader of post-Saddam Iraq, Ahmad Chalabi looks back at U.S. foreign policy successes and failures in the Persian Gulf region and projects into the near future as to what is yet to come.

Bellum Americanum
Hurst Hannum
Since the late 1990s, U.S. foreign policy has been characterized by bending of international law, self-serving domestic interests, and the lack of clearly defined objectives. Driven by the same agenda, the U.S. may be headed towards yet another ill-advised war.

The UN and the Future of Multilateralism: An Interview with Chef de Cabinet to the UN Secretary-General
S. Iqbal Riza
What is the potential UN role vis-à-vis Iraq? Are the current international anti-terror efforts being effective? What did happen in Rwanda? Answers are provided by one of the top UN officials.

Perceptions in the Arab World and Debates in Washington: Analyzing U.S. Mideast Policy After September 11
William A. Rugh
U.S. policy towards the Middle East took a dramatic turn after the attacks of 9/11. Former American ambassador to Yemen and UAE looks at two ensuing debates: one in the Arab world and another in Washington.

Stemming the Flow of Terrorist Financing: Practical and Conceptual Challenges
The goal of counterterrorism must include cracking down not only on operational cells of terrorist organization, but also on their logistical and financial networks.

Battle Hymn of the Democrats
Suzanne Nossel
In order for the Democrats to rebound from the 2002 midterm elections disaster and survive in 2004, they need a forceful foreign policy platform more in tune with America’s true interests and values.

Elements of American Foreign Policy: Reflections of a Present Day Traveler
Thanos Veremis
An European perspective on the instrumental roles of Lockean liberalism, an evangeli- cal missionary spirit, and pragmatism in the shaping of today’s U.S. foreign policy.

Henry Kissinger, Geopolitics, and Globalization
Alan K. Henrikson
What effect is globalization having on U.S. foreign policy? Is foreign policy needed, or even possible, in an age of globalization? An analysis of Henry Kissinger’s answers based on his recent book Does America Need a Foreign Policy?

Police Power: Theodore Roosevelt, American Diplomacy, and World Order
James Holmes
TR’s “international police power” justified U.S. intervention in the affairs of the American states suffering from governmental impotence and chronic wrongdoing. Yet, what gave the Roosevelt Corollary its legitimacy were the accompanying strategic prudence, tact, and respect of state sovereignty.

Resolving the Bosnian Conflict: European Solutions
Carlos L. Yordán
Although the Dayton Peace Accords were spearheaded by the United States, the Europeans have taken the lead in implementing the provisions of the treaty.

DOS: The Second Year
Aleksandar Jokic
Leading the way in the post-Milosevic era, the Democratic Opposition of Serbia escapes clear definitions. Most significantly, the DOS’s political agenda has been ineffective, and the promise of reform in Serbia remains unfulfilled.

Human Rights and Conflict Resolution from the Practitioners’ Perspectives
Ellen L. Lutz, Eileen F. Babbitt, and Hurst Hannum
The Directors of The Fletcher School’s Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution explore areas of contrast and convergence in the approaches and goals of human rights activists and conflict resolution practitioners.

Toward a Globally Harmonized System: Negotiating to Promote Public Health, Environmental Protection, and International Trade
Mary Frances Lowe
An EPA official discusses the lessons of a complex, ambitious, and technical negotiation process that led to international voluntary agreements on a Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals.

27:2 – Summer/Fall 2003

26:2 – Summer/Fall 2002