21:2 – Summer/Fall 1997


An Interview with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan
The secretary-general describes the evolving concept of sovereignty and the importance of the United Nations in maintaining global security.

International Environmental Policy and the Softening of Sovereignty
William R. Moomaw
Traditional notions of sovereignty must be relaxed in order to make progress on environmental concerns.

Sovereignty-Building: The Case of Chechnya
James S. Robbins

Destruction in Chechnya provides evidence that the practice of sovereignty-building and statehood need to be revisited. – With photographs by Ivan Sigal.

An Interview with John R. Galvin
The former commander of NATO discusses his thoughts on the changing role of NATO in the post-Cold War period.

Sovereignty Versus the Chimera of Armed Humanitarian Intervention
Robert M. Cassidy

The case of Somalia illustrates that humanitarian intervention is often laced with political motives, and a more objective criteria is needed for future collaborative U.N. actions.

International Organized Crime: The Silent Threat to Sovereignty
William J. Olson
The international community must join forces to combat organized crime, which has taken advantage of growing international trade and enhanced technology to become a critical challenge for sovereign governments.

The Emerging Global Information Infrastructure and National Security
Greg Rattray
The information age has created unparalleled access to sensitive information and the United States should take the lead in addressing the resulting threat to international security.


The Law of Noncombatant Immunity and the Targeting of National Power Electrical Power Systems
J.W. Crawford, III
The targeting of electric power systems in times of war has disproportionately harmful effects on civilians and should be scrutinized under the recognized rules of conflict.

War and the Global Opium Supply
K.L Douglas
Armed conflict in Afghanistan and Myanmar has contributed heavily to the rise in international drug trafficking and the lessons can be drawn for the prevention of further escalation.

The Problems and Promises of Japan’s Economic-Growth-Led Foreign Policy in Perspective
Christian Hougen
Japan’s post-World War 1I economic strategy has focused predominantly on international trade, but the time has come to change that policy into a more active role in world affairs.


Unintended Consequences: How Democracies Respond to Terrorism
Martha Crenshaw
Governments enacting policies against terrorists often fail to consider that the outcome of their efforts depends largely on the response of the terrorists.

NGO Overreach: Greenpeace Pours Oil on Troubled Waters But Can’t Clean It Up
Crocker Snow, Jr.
There is trouble in NGO paradise as NGOs begin to emulate the very institutions they critique.

The Legacy of Ralph Bunche
Kingsley Moghalu
Remembering the life of the extraordinary diplomat who created peacekeeping and left an indelible mark on the international system.

Book Reviews
Review Essay: Advice to Princes in the Global Age
by Anthony Wanis St. John

Elusive Peace: Negotiating and End to Civil Wars
edited by I. William Zartman

Power Sharing and International Mediation in Ethnic Conflicts
by Timothy D. Sisk

Pacific Passage: The Study of American-East Asian Relations on the Eve of the Twenty-first Century
edited by Warren I. Cohen

Just War: Principles and Cases
by Richard Regan

Pop Internationalism
by Paul Krugman

22:2 – Summer/Fall 1998

20:2 – Summer/Fall 1996