17:2 – Summer 1993


The Politics of Identity in International Relations
V Spike Peterson

Feminist Standpoint Theory Meets International Relations Theory: A Feminist Version of David and Goliath?
Marysia Zalewski

Gender and International Human Rights
Andrew M. Deutz

Third World Women in the Global Factory: Neither “Victims” nor “Saviors”
Inne Sisson Runyan

Gender and Middle East Politics
Simona Sharoni

National Selves and Feminine Others
Jacqui True

Gendered Nationalism and “New” Nation-States: “Democratic Progress” in Eastern Europe
Stacey L. Mayhall

Development and Women’s Political Leadership: The Missing Link in Sub-Saharan Africa
Annie Foster

The Twilight of Sovereignty
Walter B. Wriston

Philippine Foreign Policy: New Policy in a Changing World Environment
Roberto R. Romulo

Bonehead Non-Proliferation
David A. Koplow

The Hour of Europe: Lessons from the Yugoslav Conflict
Catherine Guicherd

Beyond Collective Security: The Case for a Democratic Security System in Europe
David J. Karl

International Law and Non-Intervention: When Do Humanitarian Concerns Supersede Sovereignty?
Nancy D. Arnison

Book Reviews
A Complicated War: The Harrowing of Mozambique
by William Finnegan

Around the Cragged Hill: A Personal and Political Philosophy
by George F. Kennan

Besieged: A Doctor’s Story of Life and Death in Beirut
by Chris Giannou

Open for Business: Russia’s Return to the Global Economy
by Ed A. Hewett and Clifford Gaddy

The Bear Trap: Afghanistan’s Untold Story
by Mohammad Yousaf and Mark Adkin

The Challenges of Famine Relief. Emergency Operations in the Sudan
by Francis Deng and Larry Minear

The Twilight of Sovereignty
by Walter B. Wriston

Theodore H. White at Large: The Best of His Magazine Writing, 1939-1986
by Edward T. Thompson, Editor

18:1 – Winter/Spring 1994

17:1 – Winter 1993