David Harland
Heeding Nature’s Tug: An Environmental Agenda for International Relations
Mostafa K. Tolba
Scientific and International Policy Responses to Global Climate Change
William R. Moomaw
Global Warming: Quo Vadis?
Andrew R. Solow and James M. Broadus
Counting the Cost: Resource Degradation in the Developing World
Theodore Panayotou
Jumping on the “Ban” Wagon: Efforts to Save the African Elephant
David Harland
Amazonia: In Defense of Brazil’s Sovereignty
Haroldo Mattos de Lemos
Traveling Toxic Trash: An Analysis of the 1989 Basel Convention
Mark A. Montgomery
The Need for Eco-Justice
Petra K. Kelly
Post-Cold War Global Environment and Security
Gareth Porter
The Intifada and the Peace Process
Noam Chomsky
Threat to the Republic? The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
Edward Felsenthal
The US Decision to Produce Chemical Weapons
Timothy Devine
Chester Crocker
Book Reviews
Review Essay: Return to Europe
The Uses of Adversity: Essays on the Fate of Central Europe
by Timothy Garton Ash
Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War
by Paul Fussell
The United States, Revolutionary Russia, and the Rise of Czechoslovakia
by Betty Miller Unterberger
Die Deutschen und Gorbatschow: Chancen fir einen Interessenausgleich
by Wolfgang Seiffert
Trade and Investment Relations among the United States, Canada, and Japan
edited by Robert M. Stern
Developing Country Debt and the World Economy
edited by Jeffrey D. Sachs
Restructuring the French Economy
by William James Adams
Land Filled with Flies
by Edwin N. Wilmsen
International Law at a Time of Perplexity: Essays in Honor of Shabtai Rosenne
edited by Yoram Dinstein
The End of Nature
by Bill McKibben
The Deluge and the Ark
by Dale Peterson
The Meaning of Nuclear Revolution: Statecraft and the Prospect of Armageddon
by Robert Jervis
Asad of Syria: The Struggle for the Middle East
by Patrick Seale
Lost Promises: Debt, Austerity and Development in Latin America
edited by William L. Canak
Rock Around the Bloc: A History of Rock Music in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
by Timothy W. Ryback
Four Stars
by Mark Perry
Shattered Hope: Guatemalan Workers and the Promise of Democracy
by James A. Goldston
George F. Kennan: Cold War Iconoclast
by Walter L. Hixson
Strategic Trends in Services: An Inquiry into the Global Services Economy
edited by Albert Bress and Kalypso Nicolaidis
A Social and Economic History of 20th Century Europe
by G. Ambrosius and William Hubbard